This flower essence can be used for reducing addictions of any sort. May the addictions be cigarettes, food, alcohol, sex, work, or drugs; this flower essence formula helps release the pain associated with it. Many addictions are used as ways to cover up, or hide wounds received earlier in life. This flower essence formula helps to shine one™s inner light on injuries and release the wounding.
Addiction Flower Essence
Arnica - releases the grip of addiction, especially if caused by shock or trauma.
Labrador Tea - reduces addictions; helps one see and learn a new perspective of balance; works on imbalances in the physical, emotional and mental bodies.
Morning Glory - helps a person enter fully into their body, especially in the morning; reduces addictive or erratic living habits that deplete life force.
Self Heal - for those lacking the spiritual motivation to overcome dependence on external help.
Sunflower - for those with low self-esteem or arrogance; resistance to accept authority, especially of one™s Higher Self.
Trembling Poplar - reduces addictions used to hide unknown fears filled with anxiety and apprehension.
Yarrow, Yellow - protecting oneself from vulnerability to others by withdrawal and social isolation; dependence on drugs for protection or social masking and creating personas.