Excellent for the student that needs to focus more on the task at hand, whether that task is intellectual or physical. It helps a person to see the bigger picture so they can focus on the whole, not just the parts. Focus will aid in bringing one's center of attention to a place where they can perform the task for their highest good.
Focus Flower Essence
Cosmos - helps to integrate and focus thought and speech
Dill - used when a person is overwhelmed due to over-stimulation, hypersensitivity to their environment or to outer activity, sensory congestion
Nasturtium - helps balance the focus of intellectual life with inner strength of heart energy
Lady Slipper - brings higher spiritual values into one™s daily work
Shasta Daisy - helps bring all the details into a more holistic focus
Yarrow, Pink - maintains self-aware focus so one doesn™t feel the need to merge with others